How do I connect to a jazz server using a java application?
I'm trying to get the content of a certain page ( ) using a java application and print it on screen with a simple println (for later purposes).
My first problem is the certificate handling: how do i get a valid certificate? how do i get a connection? and ultimately, how do i get the page's content?
I'm new to jazz server and java, so i'd appreciate some help.
I'm trying to get the content of a certain page ( ) using a java application and print it on screen with a simple println (for later purposes).
My first problem is the certificate handling: how do i get a valid certificate? how do i get a connection? and ultimately, how do i get the page's content?
I'm new to jazz server and java, so i'd appreciate some help.
One answer
Hi, Emanuele,
Having no experience in both Jazz and Java can be a handicap for the goal you're trying to reach, but maybe you can get some ideas (and sample source code) from the OSLC Workshop you can find here:
It allows to retrieve information from Jazz aplications, and explains how to "bridge" the certificate validation.
Hope it helps.
sam detweiler
Jun 10 '14, 7:48 is some sample java HTTP code that logs on, and requests data (HTTP Get request) in JSON format, and then processes that data
you won't need the LPA project stuff, but everything around it.