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Extending Rational Team Server 4.0.5 : Opeartion Participents implementation

sandeep rao (131314) | asked Jun 03 '14, 10:15 a.m.
Hello All,

We are in the process of implementation of RTC server extension " Epic Summary Updated based on Child WorkItem Reference". After deployment of UpdateSite project, the Operation Participent doesnot show up in followup actions.

Below are the steps follow:

1: Created Plug In project with :

Dependencies :,,,,,  &

Extensions : and Business logic has been implemented.

2: created Feature project.
3: created Update Site.
4: created updatesite.ini file
5: provisioned to the server.
6: server restarted.

But the new Participant doesnot show up in Operation Behaviour : Follow up actions.

Checking the server provision status shows :
1: The profile install from "file:ccm/sites/ZamCrUpdate-site" was started at Time ...
2: This feature is being installed: "ZamCrUpdate_Participent_feature_1.0.0....."
3: Installing the bundle from the URL "file:/......IBM/JAZZTe./server/conf/ccm/sites/.....
4: feature with this ID is installed and will be used: "ZamCrUpdate_participent_feature".

The RTC version : RTC 4.0.5.
The reference article :
This article states on Operation Adivisor but required changes have been made to implement Operation Participants.

Thanks in Advance.
RTC User.

sam detweiler commented Jun 03 '14, 10:32 p.m.

Did u issue the requestreset before restarting the server? RTC caches the plugins for faster start next time. 

sandeep rao commented Jun 04 '14, 6:43 a.m.

We have installed the RTC in our local system and hitting the below url :

https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin/cmd?requestreset will throw below error message.

The Web Page cannot be found. Will this cmd not work if RTC is installed in localhost??

Thanks in  Advance.
RTC User.

sam detweiler commented Jun 04 '14, 6:55 a.m.

sandeep rao commented Jun 04 '14, 7:31 a.m.

Hello Sam,

Thank you.! Now it works fine.

RTC User.

2 answers

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 03 '14, 7:31 p.m.
 Follow do the workshop and setup jetty. If it works there follow the workshop on how to deploy.

sandeep rao commented Jun 04 '14, 7:32 a.m.

Thanks Ralph,

We will try your suggestion as well !

RTC User

permanent link
Sanjay Ram (1) | answered Jun 05 '14, 1:40 a.m.
 Hi Sandeep....

While trying to create a plugin project in RTC 4.0.5, I could not find dependency.

Please tell me how to get it.

Thanks in advance.
RTC User.

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