Adding custom links in RTC workitems and add custom handlers on its double click
Accepted answer
and every eclipse client (for eclipse view of the link)..
Contributing a Link Type
please explain the 'their respective editor'..
One other answer "their respective editor", I meant, that I should be able to invoke my own handler on click of the newly created link. To be more precise, I want to open my own custom editors for those custom links to be opened when clicked from RTC (from inside those handlers).
ok, question.. why the custom 'editor'? they are still workitems on each end of the link.
the only documented support for creating a new workitem 'editor' in eclipse or web.
is by adding fields and screen layout (tabs). If you created a completely new layout, it would have to be connected to a unique workitem type to use it.
I did all that for a Deliverable workitem to replace the elements in the Release table.
something to note:
adding a new linktype to the server makes it system wide.. ALL projects and all workitems get it.. you cannot focus it on one project and workitem type.
Custom editor, because I'm not working with workitems. I'm working with review items, which are part of another product which is under development.
Thanks for that update. I am not aware of any support for creating a completely new content editor.