Can Scheduled Absences be less than 1 day in duration
3 answers
In the User Editor on the Scheduled Absences tab, I don't see a way to
enter anything other than full-day absences. Is it possible to
schedule 1/2-days somehow?
No, this is currently not possible. Pls file an enhancement request. Thanks!
Jazz Agile Planning team
As the enhancement for this has not been implemented yet, Work allocations could be used as a workaround
- Let’s say I have defined my normal work allocation for Project/team X to be 50%
- Now lets say for a specific day, I normally work 8 hours but I’m going to schedule 3 hours of absence in that day.
- I add a new work allocation for that specific day set to 31% (based upon 50% * (8-3)/8 = ~31%)
It would be quite an overhead to have to do this for frequent absences or for a lot of projects & teams so the enhancement would be a better method.