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RTC REST API - Invoke Workflow Action

I'm trying to invoke an action in a specified work item using the REST API, without success. The request detais:
Method: PUT
Accept: application/json
X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent: 00002jbPIhA0xUThm4NlmkL0EOH:18hu78q1a
Content-Type: application/json
I receive a HTTP 200 as answer but the Work Item don't change the state.
Any guesses?
2 answers

The solution:
Post in the format:
Url: https://server/ccm/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/53674?_action=com.itau.team.workflow.buildCentralizado.action.a4
Accept: application/json
X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent: 00002jbPIhA0xUThm4NlmkL0EOH:18hu78q1a
Content-Type: application/json
can be an empty json object: {}
Works fine.

Hi Eric Lemes
In my case POST didn't work, so i recommend using PUT.
For other people, whose finding answer, your 'action' path is:
You'll find PROJECT_ID in http://server/ccm/process/project-areas/
You have to just find your project area and take your project id.
If you know jazz API, you can replace "com.server.team" to your jazz options.
Best regards