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How to access WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT ENUMERATIONS Enumerations Table in Birt?

Robert Truban (33811) | asked May 21 '14, 4:11 p.m.
edited May 22 '14, 3:22 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
I have read the tutorials and several other forum posts on this topic, but no matter what I try I can not get the WORKITEMS_SNAPSHOT ENUMERATIONS table/view to return any values in BIRT.

I have used {Current Project Area} and actual ID values for the PROJECT_AREA_ITEMID, which works on other tables, but the enum table will not return values.  I have used parameters and actual values in filters.  

One interesting symptom is that when creating a new data set the ENUMERATIONS table does not show up in the list but if I type it into table name area by hand BIRT shows the four columns the table/view is suppose to have (according to the information I have read).

I have the same issue with 2 separate instances of Jazz, one using Oracle and the other DB2.  I am not sure if the data warehouse jobs are not setup correctly or what.  I am currently using version 4.0.5, but I had the same issue prior to upgrading from 4.0.3. 

I really need to create some reports that include custom attributes (enums) so if anyone has any ideas or advice on how to troubleshoot this I would certainly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance,


One answer

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Bill Taylor (1441535) | answered Apr 09 '16, 8:05 a.m.
Have you tried creating the data set as a "Jazz Simple Data Set" rather than the default "Jazz Advanced Data Set" - you will find the table in the drop down then!

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