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Test Plan exported to PDF in complet mode, doesn't contains Test Case details RQM 4.0.6

maria villar (1111) | asked May 20 '14, 5:25 p.m.
edited May 20 '14, 5:27 p.m.
In RQM 4.0.6, when Test Cases is exported to PDF  in Complete Mode, the pdf contains the same info that  Details mode export,  but the pdf doesn't contain all details about Test Cases, TCER or Test Result.

In Sandbox 4.0.6 this problem not appear.

I have found defect ID =108960 but I'm not sure that are  the same problems

Thx in advanced for your response.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 21 '14, 6:38 a.m.
Hi, Maria

Do you mean defect
I dont think this is the same issue as you have got, it is referring to long history of artifacts which is cut off in PDF export.

I tested with v4.0.6 JKE Banking > test case Consistent display of currency and Run PDF "export details" and "export comprehensive", I dont see any problem. Details export has 3 pages while Export Comprehensive has 9 pages.

It is not clear why you got problem in Comprehensive export(I think this is what you mean Complete mode), are you able to try with any test case in JKE Banking and see what is like? then it could be easier for us to understand what the real concern is.

maria villar commented May 22 '14, 9:02 a.m.

Hi Don,

I tested whit JKE Banking too,  in my local enviroment,  and it works correctly.
But the server  enviroment, it contnue print incorrect the comprehesive  export, in addition it´s not possible export to pdf a individual Test Case .
 "QM" logs show this esception:

[qm: AsynchronousTaskRunner-2 @@ 15:53] ERROR .ibm.rqm.print.service.engine.command.PrintCommand  -01-"test case name".pdf [artifact-summary] (_T2bTAOEyEeODLdZomJh_VA): fatal error encountered while trying to execute The result of the print job with filename="01-test case name".pdf" seems to be corrupted.  An uncaught error must have occurred during execution.  This document will be excluded from any parent print job
    at java.util.concurrent.Executors$

Don Yang commented May 27 '14, 1:11 a.m.

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