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RQM ( ) - How to interpret the Execution Process widget

Shivakumar Lakshminarayana (50179) | asked Nov 05 '12, 6:01 a.m.
As a part of RQM 4 there is a new "Execution Progress" widget or section which is present on the top right hand of the Test Plan view.

There is one entry which corresponds to "Test Case" progress and another which says "Test Suite" progress.

For instance if i have a TestSuite with 10 TestCases and each having a weight = 1, and if i have created two  TestSuiteExecution records and in first TSER if i have ran about 5 TestCases in which 4 are pass and 1 fail and not started with execution on the second TSER : the progress or results am seeing in the Execution Progress is not in sync or match with what am expecting.

Is there a specific way of interpreting this Execution Progress ?

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Nov 05 '12, 7:55 a.m.
The progress of Test Suite is calculated based on the progress of Test suite weight and corresponding weight in Test suite result. Testcase weight matters for Test case progress view.

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