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Design Manager and VVC issue

Gary Day (181114) | asked May 19 '14, 8:36 a.m.
edited May 19 '14, 8:47 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)

I have RTC 4.0.5 with ccm, qm, relm and dm (Design Management for IBM Rational Rhapsody)
 installed with SQL databases.

Getting a 500 (null) : Cannot fetch VVC URL error creating a project in DM.

Searching the error I could only find this about  IBM Rational Software Architect Design Manager  saying Configuration Management component might not have been installed or configured during setup. I tried both installing Configuration Management alone and also uninstalling Configuration Management and Design Management for IBM Rational Rhapsody before reinstalling both together.

Trying to register DM I now get Admin - Gary Day Rmps Request Line: POST https://myservervm454:9443/dm/configure?action=configureVVC HTTP/1.1 Rmps Request Headers: accept: */* accept-language: en-gb referer: https://myservervm454:9443/dm/dm-setup?embed=true#?embed=true#/steps/2&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fmyservervm454%3A9443%2Fjts%2FcustomSetup%23%2Fsteps%2F12 x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest x-jazz-downstream-auth-client-level: 4.0 content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded x-ibm-rmps-internal: true accept-encoding: gzip, deflate user-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC LM 8) host: myserverlvm:9443 content-length: 0 connection: Keep-Alive cache-control: no-cache cookie: JSESSIONID=C306C37BAC277571865F3C514212B1BC; JAZZ_AUTH_TOKEN=f1bef76078d1452f8150150b2cf343d4&udLaaX1d7EEmJfG0ouQoTbqNDa6a7wZbMtzxKFpcS3Q; jfs-oauth-realm-mapping=https%3A%2F%2Fcaracalvm454%3A9443%2Fjts%3D0; jfs-oauth-access-token0=f1bef76078d1452f8150150b2cf343d4; jfs-oauth-access_token-secret0=udLaaX1d7EEmJfG0ouQoTbqNDa6a7wZbMtzxKFpcS3Q; JSESSIONIDSSO=180E28D84ADD642E5437BA8802CC3EC4 X-ibm-internal-dm-request-correlation-ID: e57ab0b3-d07c-4e96-b243-6303889e67c0 Cannot fetch VVC URL. Cannot fetch VVC URL. 400

And if I go to vvc/setup having created a vvc user and database in SQL I get this at the registration phase

Unable to save the consumer key and secret into the application's database. See details for more information.ID CRJAZ1850E   Internal Error

I seem to be going round in circles.

Any  help very much appreciated.


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Gary Day (181114) | answered May 19 '14, 12:02 p.m.

Things seem to have resolved themselves.

When I ran up jts/setup after reinstalling dm and vvc I saw them both in registered applications with dm first and vvc down the list. dm failed with the VVC error. I then loaded up vvc\setup in a new window which generated the comsumer key error.

Having come back to the issue later today I hit F5 on the jts/setup window in IE and this time vvc appeared before dm in the list and subsequently each stage succeeded including loading the Rhapsody Sample inDM which was all I wanted in the first place!

Thanks for reading.

Francois-xavier Panaget commented May 19 '14, 12:17 p.m.

Hi Gary,
Thanks for sharing the information. VVC needs indeed to be registered prior to DM. If it is not registered then the DM registration will fail.
In such case, running again the setup is usually the right approach to resolve problem as it forces the DM registration to run again.

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