olsc connector RQM for requirement
I wish to develop an OSLC connector between RQM and a requirement management tool. Do you know if the functionnality to detect TestCase suspected (Requirement modified) will work with this connector ?
Is this functionnality included in the OSLC standard ?
Moreover, in RQM, we need a collection of requirement, do you know how I can use a collection of requirement with another tool ?
Thank for your anwser
Accepted answer
The OSLC QM V2 specification and the service provider in RQM does not support a suspect property (unlike the RQM Reportable REST API test case - see https://jazz.net/products/rational-quality-manager/api-doc-4.0.6/schemas/qm_xsd/elements/testcase.html#a29). See the OSLC QM V2 test case/plan shape for all the supported properties.
OSLC QM V2 test plan resources reference zero/more requirement collections (see http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2?sortcol=table;table=up#Resource_TestPlan) and test case resources reference zero/more requirements (see http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2?sortcol=table;table=up#Resource_TestCase).
Hi Paul,
Thank for your answer. Since the OSLC specification doesn't provide this functionnality, could you explain me how does the connector DOORS/RQM permit to use the button "reconcile requirement" in the test plan (section requirement collection) ? Is it a specificity of this provider ?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Hi David,
Suspect test cases in the RQM UI are determined by polling the OSLC RM V2 service provider for modified requirements. As such, this is an internal implementation detail of RQM. The OSLC QM/RM V2 APIs provide the necessary CRUD/query support to implement this capability.
Hi Paul,
Thank you very much for this explanation. So I will study how develop a OSLC RM V2 service provider with this functionnality.
Best regards