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Applying updated BIRT report template to the whole repository in RTC

Now I want to deploy this updated template to the whole repository so that I don't need to replace the existing template in the project areas one by one, also when I create a new project area, it would use the updated template automatically. I replaced the template in the Example jar file and restarted server and then try to create a new project area but I did not see the updated template instead the old one is still used.
How can I apply an updated report template in RTC so that
1) I can see the updated template in all newly created project areas
2) it will apply to all existing project areas
Thanks a lot.
Accepted answer

I haven't tried doing this myself (replacing the template in the jar file), but if you're using RTC 4.0.6, this should work (note that it would *not* work with RTC 4.0.2 or earlier). When you say that you restarted the server after replacing the jar file - did you reset the server before restarting?

Also - just to make sure, exactly which jar file did you update?

Thanks Alanna.
I updated one template from com.ibm.team.examples.reports.common.xxx.jar file in 406 and put it back and restarted server. is this the right jar file I should put the updated template?
I did not reset server, do I need to run https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin/cmd/requestReset
before I restart server?

Yes, that's right - any time you update a jar file in the update site, it's not enough to just restart the server - you need to request a server reset before doing the restart (you can do this from the UI by going to https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin?internal=true, and then going to "Server Reset" under the "Internal Tools" section.)

Thanks Alanna.