Timesheet ETL in Rational Insight and CLM 4.03

4 answers

this is what I found in the last version of the info center:
Note: For Data Manager, the Timesheet job is included in the Work Item job and is disabled by default. An additional job, Timesheet4.0.3_FullLoad , is included. You must run this job before enabling the Timesheet job within the Work Item job.
Running the data collection jobs
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi

The Timesheet job is indeed there for RTC v4.0.3. First, ensure that you are using the updated .PKG file for RTC v4.0.3 which can be downloaded from your ccm/admin > Reports page. http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/rentrpt/v1r1m1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.rational.raer.integration.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_integrate_clm_package.html
Once you ensure you have downloaded that PKG file and imported it into your Data Manager catalog, in Data Manager, navigate to Builds and Jobstreams > Jobs > RTCJobs > RTC4.0.3Jobs and you will find the RTC_Timesheet4.0.3 job there.

It is disabled by default and referenced in the RTC_Workitem4.0.3 job:


Kunal, it appears there is some confusion with the versioning of the jobs. I was looking at my 405 catalog when I replied above. The 405 catalog shows the Timesheet jobs nested and labeled 403 (see pic above). The 403 Timesheet job also references 401 builds. I am getting clarity from Dev on this confusing nomenclature. Apologies for the confusion. I would think if the builds were only available in 404, then we would label them with v404 and not 403. We will update you through PMR once we get some clarity from Dev.

Kunal, please contact Support to see if you can get an export of the Timesheet job so you can import it into your environment. Dev confirmed will run against a 403 environment.


Please note that IBM has confirmed that this is indeed considered a customization and you must own the solution. If you are interested in implementing this, please do not open a PMR with IBM Support. I have listed the process on how to implement this in my blog: http://marcnehme.com/blog/?p=89