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Can I reuse the Project Management Metrics model and DW tables in Rational Insight?

Robert Huet (23113984) | asked Jul 02 '14, 12:07 p.m.
 I need to expose project management metrics in Rational Insight around earned value: BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, BAC, EAC, etc.  All these things are already defined in the Reporting Data Model (DW) in Rational Insight.  However, the underlying tables in RIODS do not seem to be populated by any of the ETL jobs from RTC.

Is it ok for me to leverage the DW tables to populate my own metrics data, or does IBM have a design on these tables for some other purpose?  I cannot find any documentation on these tables.  This is just like finding a bunch of dead code in a program, but nobody seems to know why it is there or what to do about it.


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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jul 02 '14, 1:41 p.m.
Hi Robert,

To my knowledge, those metrics were never loaded by any of our out of the box ETL's, but were added to support custom ETL's for FocalPoint and MS Project.  Assuming you are not using those, feel free to use them.  However, it's worth noting we do have enhancements open for loading some of those same metrics with CLM data.  Hope it helps,
Robert Huet selected this answer as the correct answer

Robert Huet commented Jul 02 '14, 1:50 p.m.

Thanks, Ben, that was my suspicion, but it is good to get confirmation.  I will look for that enhancement request so that I can subscribe to it.  That would be a great enhancement for customers who are still using the traditional process in RTC.

Benjamin Silverman commented Jul 02 '14, 2:00 p.m.

Actually now that I look at the enhancement, I see that it's closed and this code was added to the Data Collection Component (DCC).  So if you are using DCC to load your DW, this data will be loaded.  See my screenshot attached. 

Cathy Xu commented Feb 07 '17, 3:09 a.m.

Hi Ben,

Is there more insight what data in Project Management Metrics tables is populated and what not?
For example, I noticed that in "Resource Utilization Metrics" table, "Total Actual" show values, but "Total Assigned", "Total Allocation", and "Total Availability" showing 0.
Thanks in advance!

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