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Dashboard template in RRC?

One answer

You have to use RTC Eclipse client to customize the process template. But I don't know how it will turn out if you customize the dashboard in an RRC process template. This article talks about how to use RTC Eclipse client to work with the RRC process templates.

Hi Donald
Thanks, very interesting article. I was looking for something like that, but ended with the impression that eclipse for RRC, was dropped in 2.0 ->
Il try to add a dashboard template and see what happens when i import again. But I can see I can edit all part also stuff that do not make sense for RRC, so I do not expect to much :)
I'm a bit worried about this one when it comes to process template config.
Disclaimer: RRC does not use process templates the same way as RTC/RQM. Also, editing the default process template may cause upgrade challenges in the future.