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SQL Error: SQLCODE=-964, SQLSTATE=57011 and ETL job fails

Running workitem job fails with the following errors in the logs, after enabling debug logging for ETL:
CRJAZ0265E The database resource or virtual storage is not available.
SQL Exception #1
SQL Message: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-964, SQLSTATE=57011, SQLERRMC=null, DRIVER=4.14.121
SQL State: 57011
Error Code: -964
How to resolve this?
One answer

--> Based on the DB2 error, it most likely was that the DB2 transaction log was filled up:
After increasing the log file size, the ETL jobs started running fine without errors.
In my case, increasing the logprimary and logsecond resolved the DB2 errors
One should check the LOGFILESIZ, LOGPRIMARY and LOGSECOND values, and increase them.
Then run the ETL.