How can we link a file revision to a work item

One answer

In Jazz SCM, a file revision is part of a change-set that groups
together the set of revisions that form a single logical change. A
revision belongs to exactly one change-set.
Change-sets are then linked with work items. The relationship between
change sets and work items is N to N. The GUI (and the SCM API)
provides operations for creating and removing relationships between
change sets and work items.
abhminde wrote:
together the set of revisions that form a single logical change. A
revision belongs to exactly one change-set.
Change-sets are then linked with work items. The relationship between
change sets and work items is N to N. The GUI (and the SCM API)
provides operations for creating and removing relationships between
change sets and work items.
abhminde wrote:
How can we relate a file revision in SCM to a work item? Is it
possible to have N to N relationships between workitems and
Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks.
best regard,