RTC Jazz Client API: How to get a work item category ID?

This is part of my code;
List<ICategory> findCategories= workItemService.findCategories(projectArea, ICategory.FULL_PROFILE, null);
Iterator<ICategory> i = findCategories.iterator();
ICategory ic = i.next();
ICategoryHandle categoryHandle = (ICategoryHandle)ic;
ICategory category = (ICategory) repo.itemManager()
.fetchCompleteItem(categoryHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
I can use category.getName() to get category name but how can I get the category item_id? It looks like this: _4q8WEMlTEeKzqIh7h7lAkg
Accepted answer

Because ICategory is an auditable, the method getItemId should work
from the SDK
from the SDK
UUID getItemId()
Returns the item id of this item. The item id gives items their identity.
- Returns:
the item id; never