How do I change floating license server to another floating license server?
I have two separate RTC instances running on two different servers (Server A and Server B).
Each server has it's own set of floating licenses.
Server A has 10 developer and 10 contributor licenses and Server B only 5 developer.
I want to use Server A as a floating license server for Server B.
I remove the floating licenses from Server B and set Server B to use Server A as license server.
Server B says there are no floating licenses and it is using Server A as a floating license server.
Server B:
One answer
I remove the floating licenses from Server B and set Server B to use Server A as license server.
Server B says there are no floating licenses and it is using Server A as a floating license server.
Yes, just edit the Server A licenses, and set the "amount purchased" to be 15.
Thank you Geoffrey,
>>When you say "see it checked out", are you looking at the Server -> Licensing -> Issued_Leases tab? If so, it shouldn't be showing up in that tab on Server B, but should show up in that tab on Server A. Or are you looking at the Users -> Acquired_Floating_Licenses tab? You should be seeing an entry in that tab on Server B.
On Server A I don't see the license checked out on either tab, but I do see it checked out on both of these tabs on Server B.
I am not seeing the expected behavior and thought maybe I was missing something, but it seems like everything was set up correctly.
Also, when you say to just set the amount purchased up to 15, don't I have to upload the license key?
Thanks again!
We use LDAP for authentication.
In these two Jazz instances users are grouped differently in jts
For instance, Jazz Server A has groups listed as\=AJazzAdmins, JazzUsers\=AJazzUsers, JazzDWAdmins\=AJazzDWAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins\=AJazzProjectAdmins, JazzGuests\=AJazzGuests
while Server B has groups listed as\=BJazzAdmins, JazzUsers\=BJazzUsers, JazzDWAdmins\=BJazzDWAdmins, JazzProjectAdmins\=BJazzProjectAdmins, JazzGuests\=BJazzGuests
Would this have an affect on why I'm not seeing the floating license check out as expected? Doesn't seem like it should.
If you are seeing the license in the "Server -> Licensing -> Issued_Leases" tab of ServerB, then something is wrong, because you shouldn't see it there (it should be on that tab of ServerA). Just to be sure it isn't some caching thing, you might want to restart both ServerA and ServerB, and try it again. If it is still not working, you will probably need to contact Rational support so they can help you figure out why it isn't working in your installation.
WRT what you need to do to increase the count from 10 to 15 on ServerA, no, there is nothing more you need to download. The licensing terms require that you use a given set of floating licenses on only one server, but you are free to use them on whatever license server you want.
WRT the different JTS team server properties, I wouldn't have thought that would make any difference in this regard.