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Rhapsody Compatibility with Design Manager Client

Karl Athanasiou (3121317) | asked Apr 18 '14, 11:16 a.m.
 Greetings all,
I recently got DM 4.0.5 setup and functioning. I am attempting to get the client extension operating for my end users.
I have Rhapsody 8.0.6 designer 64 bit installed with the 4.0.5 DM client extension. Serverside is all 4.0.5.
When I try to connect I get an error that "Rhapsody Design Manager Client Extension 4.0.5 is not compatible with current Jazz server version."

My Jazz server is 4.0.5  All my registered apps are 4.0.5 my client extension is 4.0.5....
Am I missing something?



Accepted answer

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Pritesh Patel (12246) | answered Jun 02 '14, 8:21 p.m.
Hi Karl,

This is for the benefit of others that also run into the issue when connecting to the DM server from a Rhapsody client, whereby, they get invalid credentials error:

ERROR: -1 Invalid User Credentials.

I know that you have been involved with the development team and they have outlined that this issue is a defect, caused by the password having a "&" or "=" in the string. The development team will address this issue in a forthcoming release.

Many thanks,

Karl Athanasiou selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Francois-xavier Panaget (58914) | answered Apr 23 '14, 10:42 a.m.
Hi Karl,

Make sure that you see the following when going to : https://<host>:<port>/dm/admin
Design Management    4.0.5 (DM405-I20131030_1832)
Rhapsody Design Management    4.0.5 (I20131103_0717)
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries    4.0.5 (RJF-I20131025-1325)
From what I have seen, you should be able to use Rhapsody 8.0.6 and the 4.0.5 Rhapsody DM extension although when you install it is showing the  Rhapsody 8.0.5 installation directory by default.
Did you already contact the support team for this issue?
If not, I would recommend to do it to troubleshooting what is going on.


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Karl Athanasiou (3121317) | answered Apr 30 '14, 2:11 p.m.
I have not yet. I was hoping that someone has seen this already and had a fix/workaround.

Well.. High-Ho PMR we go..

Thank you


Karl Athanasiou commented May 29 '14, 2:42 p.m.


To update what has happened..

I downgraded Rhapsody to 8.0.5 to 32bit as 64bit has a few things that are not supported..

I re-installed the client extension in 32 bit mode

tried to connect to the DM server https://blah/dm and am now getting invalid credentials errors.
ERROR: -1 Invalid User Credentials.

I find this humorous as I am able to log into dm server without an issue.
There is nothing in the logs that states the authentication failed. 



I have opened a PMR with IBM support and are helping me investigate what's going on.

I will update this post as things progress.

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