Follow Action/Precodition problem updated from RTC3.0.1 To RTC4.0.6
Follow Action problem updated from RTC3.0.1 To RTC4.0.6
Now I met some problem when I update my server from RTC3.0.1 to RTC4.0.6.
I have some precondition and follow action written which runs well for RTC3.0.1.But last day, I update all my RTC-SDK and RTC client and RTC Servet to 4.0.6. The error occured.
First problem, I still can press 'build all' button in update site project to build the old plug-in project without error in RTC 4.0.6 developping enviroment, but when the follow action is triggered after deploying in server side, the error message with "No method found occur". I don't know why it happened after compile correctly.
Second, I can not found in the dependencies tab page. It can be found in the RTC3.0.1. So,what's happy?which plug-in replaced it?
Third problem, it seems that the error occured on findWorkspaces api of SCMQueryService class. No this method found.Is the method deprecated? Please tell me which API should I used to to search a stream to fit my original logic.
ItemQueryResult result= scmQuery.findWorkspaces(searchExistingStreams, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
for (Object stream : result.getItemHandles()) {
if (stream instanceof IWorkspaceHandle) {
below is the original API for RTC3.0.1 :
public List<IWorkspaceHandle> findWorkspacesHandleByStreamNamePrefix(String streamNamePrefix) throws TeamRepositoryException {
List<IWorkspaceHandle> wsHandleList = new ArrayList<IWorkspaceHandle>();
IWorkspaceSearchCriteria searchExistingStreams= IWorkspaceSearchCriteria.FACTORY.newInstance();
ItemQueryResult result= scmQuery.findWorkspaces(searchExistingStreams, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
for (Object stream : result.getItemHandles()) {
if (stream instanceof IWorkspaceHandle) {
return wsHandleList;