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10 free developer license for RTC 3.0.1 is not available now, how to get it?

c jiang (1113) | asked Feb 28 '13, 2:08 a.m.
edited Feb 28 '13, 2:10 a.m.
 I am try to setup a plugin develop environment for RTC 3.0.1 according to this post 

After import the workshop repositories, my trial developer license seems to be set as expired.
It is suggested to import 10 free developer license in the article. But now 10 free developer license for RTC 3.0.1 can't be downloaded anymore. 

So, I have no valid developer license now. 
Does anyone know how to get this license or how to work without this license?


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 28 '13, 3:42 a.m.
Hi, i would suggest to use with 4.0 to run the workshop.

If you need to extend 3.x, you can follow the old workshop and just skip the import of the TAR files. They are mostly there to provide you with the files in the SCM repository. You should be able to bring the source code from the 4.0 workshop over to 3.x with SDK set up, there really were no changes in the java code. I will look into publishing the source files for the workshop result at the workshop as an update.

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c jiang (1113) | answered Feb 28 '13, 3:53 a.m.
edited Feb 28 '13, 3:54 a.m.
 Thank Ralph for your reply.

I have make it work by removing ADMIN's the Develper license and then assigning another license which is still active (ie. IBM.. developer license).

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