Is there a way to create new messages which will be displayed in the work item view which can have varying severities?

I am trying to find a way to show messages to users when they save a work item which contain information about any actions that have occurred. With the help of the IParitipantInfoCollector and IAdvisorInfoCollector interfaces I can throw errors which will prevent the affected work item from being saved. However I would also like to display general information which does not prevent the work item from being saved in either boxes for warnings (yellow) or just general information (blue).
One answer

As far as I am aware that is not possible.

Hello Ralph!

Validators, as far as I know, create a visual clue at the attribute in any of the modes. They don't show an error and don't prevent saving if they don't return the error severity, they only show the warning icon at the attribute.
There is no modal dialog mechanism I am aware of and no extension I am aware of that can create such messages or dialogs.

Hello Ralph

OK, I repeat a simplification of my initial answer:
No. No way in the Web UI. No modal/popup dialogs.