Is there a way to create new messages which will be displayed in the work item view which can have varying severities?
I am trying to find a way to show messages to users when they save a work item which contain information about any actions that have occurred. With the help of the IParitipantInfoCollector and IAdvisorInfoCollector interfaces I can throw errors which will prevent the affected work item from being saved. However I would also like to display general information which does not prevent the work item from being saved in either boxes for warnings (yellow) or just general information (blue).
I have attempted to use instances of the IReportInfo class and then to set the severity of the report to either OK or WARNING but these messages are not being displayed in the Web UI, however the warning messages are indeed being displayed in the eclipse client.
Ideally I would like to inject these messages at any time into the Web UI, and it would be nice to be able to dynamically generate a list of reports which I could pass to the collector to be displayed when a work item is saved. Is this at all possible? It seems to me that setting in the Project Area Configuration should be responsible for something like that, but I have not been able to find anything.
Thanks for any help
One answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Nov 13 '17, 7:14 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER As far as I am aware that is not possible.
Alex Barnhill
commented Nov 13 '17, 8:43 a.m.
Hello Ralph!
Thank you for the prompt response. Do you perhaps know if it is possible to display the messages with severities other than ERROR in the Web GUI? It seems strange that I can see warnings in the Eclipse Client but not in the Web GUI. Is there no way to change the settings for what should be displayed in the web page?
Ralph Schoon
commented Nov 13 '17, 9:13 a.m.
| edited Nov 13 '17, 9:14 a.m.
Validators, as far as I know, create a visual clue at the attribute in any of the modes. They don't show an error and don't prevent saving if they don't return the error severity, they only show the warning icon at the attribute.
Alex Barnhill
commented Nov 17 '17, 4:51 a.m.
Hello Ralph
I'm not exactly sure if we're understanding each other. I have no interest in validating anything. I know that it is already possible to use the IParticipantInfoCollector to display error messages cancel the remaining operations. This can be seen when a precondition is not met and a text box with a red background is displayed to the right of the work item name and id containing a message of some sort
All I really want to do is to create messages and display them in a blue box or a yellow box in a way that doesn't cancel operations. This must be possible in some way considering that these boxes are used for other things like displaying the message "refresh to get an update" when a work item is changed from elsewhere.
I also see the warning messages in the team advisor tab in the eclipse when I change the severity of a message to warning and plug it in to the work item save action. This same message is however not displayed in the Web UI. I fail to see why these various severities are made available if they cannot be used. I apologize if I am simply failing to understand
Ralph Schoon
commented Nov 17 '17, 5:10 a.m.
| edited Nov 18 '17, 2:26 p.m.
OK, I repeat a simplification of my initial answer:
Your answer
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