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TCER functional behavior diffrence in 4.0.1 and 4.0.4

Aparna Sukumaran (333760) | asked Apr 16 '14, 7:32 p.m.
  Currently we use Generate Test Case Execution Records within Test Case to create and link new TCERs.  In prior behavior (4.0.1), the TCERs linked to the test case would be listed in the TCER section.  Now this has changed.  This morning I generated a single TCER and the section states no items found for TCERs.  This would be misleading to others viewing TCERs, and other users couldn't modify the TCERs in the test case.  There is a difference when using test plan to generate execution records.  The TCERs belonging to the Test Plan show up in the TCER section from the test plan.  We need this working for test cases as well, since the majority of our test cases are not belonging to test plans. Has any one come across this issue?

Another Observation
   TCER is not listed under Test cases view. When I click on "Create New test case execution Record" under TCER Tab after I go over all the 3 steps to create new Execution record. I see the other TCER shows up in the list.
 Is this a known defect?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 16 '14, 8:17 p.m.
I tested in both 4.0.4 and 4.0.5 and see the same behavior: I can generate TCER within TestCase without associating with TestPlan. When generating TCER within a testcase, I only need to select a test environment to go to next step(3 steps) and then it works:

I am not sure what you did different or you use different process template in v4.0.4 or I misunderstood your question.

For another observation, by default, TCER is not an option listing in TestCase view(not in the display setting list). How did you make it in the TestCase view? Can you please provide some screenshots for it? Thanks

Aparna Sukumaran commented Apr 29 '14, 4:11 p.m. | edited Apr 29 '14, 4:18 p.m.

This looks like a refresh issue.
When I Clicked on Generate New TCER in Test case view, OLD TCER which didn't show up before was displayed in the list with the other TCER after I went through all the 3 steps for Generate TCER in Test case View.  
Before Clicking Create New TCER:

After 3 steps of Create NEW TCER, I see all the OLD TCER which didn't show up before:


Don Yang commented Apr 30 '14, 1:00 a.m.

it does look like that. If you manually refresh the browser before adding a new TCER, do you see the old one show up? If you try with another browser, do you see any difference?

Aparna Sukumaran commented May 05 '14, 3:03 p.m.

Manually Refresh doesn't work. This works fine in IE -8 and not in Chrome and Firefox(24.5).  Do we have any outstanding Ticket for this issue?

Aparna Sukumaran commented May 05 '14, 3:17 p.m.

Yes, Manually refreshing the TCER section alone shows all the TCER. Refreshing the Page again make the TCER to disappear. with this Refresh I don't see Save Button enabled either to save the displayed TCER.

Don Yang commented May 05 '14, 7:26 p.m.

I don't know any existing ticket for this behavior. if you clear cache once, do you see any difference?

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