How do I install RTC 4.0.2 client silently
4 answers
Thankyou very much Robert and Michael,
finally I was be able to install RTC-client 4.0.2 silently. Those were the steps I followed:
1.- Download CLM-Web-Installer-4.0.2 and RTC-client-4.0.2
2.- Copy the downloaded RTC-client package within a CLM-Web-Installer subdirectory named 'repo' (to the same level than 'im' and 'launchpad' directories).
3.- Create a xml silent installation file (silent-install-client.xml), configured to the previous path 'repo'.
4.- Execute the next command:
.\userinstc.exe -acceptLicense -dataLocation C:\tmp\silent-install\data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-client.xml
Best regards.
finally I was be able to install RTC-client 4.0.2 silently. Those were the steps I followed:
1.- Download CLM-Web-Installer-4.0.2 and RTC-client-4.0.2
2.- Copy the downloaded RTC-client package within a CLM-Web-Installer subdirectory named 'repo' (to the same level than 'im' and 'launchpad' directories).
3.- Create a xml silent installation file (silent-install-client.xml), configured to the previous path 'repo'.
4.- Execute the next command:
.\userinstc.exe -acceptLicense -dataLocation C:\tmp\silent-install\data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-client.xml
Best regards.
Here is the IBM documentation on this subject, Install using Command Line
Here is a summary of the process: (Assuming 4.0.6 clean plain vanilla install of RTC and Installation Manager)
1. Download Web Installer from here:
Web Installer
2. Download the IBM Installation Manager Repos for RTC client from here:
IBM Installation Manager Repositories
3. Extract you Downloads to your local machine. You will have two directories. One for Web Installer and The other for RTC Client.
4. In the Web Installer update the silent-install-server2.xml so that it does not install Jazz Server software and only Installation manager by removing the lines that have reference to Jazz Applications
5. Run the command to install Installation Manager
.\userinstc -acceptLicense -dataLocation C:\tmp\silent-install\data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-server2.xml
6. Edit the silent-install-client.xml file to point to the RTC Installation Manager Repo you extracted from the download earlier.
<repository location='../repository.config' />
7. Run command to install RTC Client
.\userinstc -acceptLicense -dataLocation C:\tmp\silent-install\data -silent -showVerboseProgress -nosplash -input silent-install-client.xml
Michael Afshar
JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 09 '14, 12:07 p.m.Here is the help topic you can use to install by using the command line. Installing from a command line