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Is it possible not to create a baseline while building with Jazz build?

Today we use Jazz build engine, and built in build definition.
We don't specify anything related to baseline, but a new baseline is automatically applied in the WS and appears automatically in outgoing.
We can't discard it or delete it after delivered to stream (component)
We don't want or need this baseline, since we create ours which includes a few more changes done during the build (version file update)..
Is there a way to disable this capability or discard the change? (using scm commands?)
One answer

I believe it's created as part of the build to preserve what was built. It's required when the build creates a snapshot of the workspace.
If there are just empty baselines outgoing, you can replace the workspace with the flow target's configuration. However, I don't see how this quite matters as the baselines are in the build workspace and don't have to be delivered. If you're creating other changes on top and creating another baseline after the build, just deliver that baseline because the build's baseline isn't delivered unless you explicitly deliver it.
If there are just empty baselines outgoing, you can replace the workspace with the flow target's configuration. However, I don't see how this quite matters as the baselines are in the build workspace and don't have to be delivered. If you're creating other changes on top and creating another baseline after the build, just deliver that baseline because the build's baseline isn't delivered unless you explicitly deliver it.

the procedure we perform the build is - we have a WS flowing from dev stream, accepting all changes automatically during build,
Updating the version file, Performing build.
If the build succeeds - we change the flow of the WS and deliver ALL outgoing to the integration stream.
The problem is that we have many changesets, which we don't know of them, and one of them is the automatic build baseline.
I am able to delete the automatic snapshot created by build on the WS, but it does not remove the baseline.
If i could specify for deliver not to deliver this change set, or discard it from outgoing, it would answer my needs.
Any was of doing that or any other suggestion which can answer this requirement?