How do I query on a NOT condition?
![]() Sometimes I need to query for work items that does not have a particular attribute. So for (very bad) example, I want query for all work items where "Story Points" attribute does not exist. I may also want to query on NOT (and group) for exampe. Is it possible to query on NOT condition? If not, does it make sense to raise an enhancement request on this?
2 answers
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k●3●30●35)
| answered Apr 07 '14, 3:06 a.m.
There are some terms that explicitly allow you to say "NOT xxx" in the query term, but there is no generic NOT operator. It has been requested in work item Add "AND Not" to query sets for "false" boolean operator. (178802). Please feel free to add a comment to indicate your interest/support.
Comments Thanks Geoff. I did not realize NOT operator is not there. Even though we may be able to achieve something similar with the existing operators for most queries, if NOT operator is provided, it would make things simple for some use cases.
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