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Is it possible to configure email ids to get automatic email updates on test execution in RQM?

sheela gangai (1313) | asked Apr 02 '14, 8:39 a.m.


Is it possible to configure email ids to get automatic email updates on test execution in RQM?

Scenario : Consider User 'U1' is a member of a RQM project say 'P1'. Assume there are 100 test cases created in P1 and all the 100 test cases are scheduled for Test execution. Is it possible for user 'U1' needs to get notified on test result of each test case executed by changing some email configuration settings?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Apr 02 '14, 5:45 p.m.
Unfortunately this is not possible currently in RQM.
Please comment in this enhancement request workitem to push the feature available to the tool:

sheela gangai commented Apr 03 '14, 1:45 a.m.

Thank you Don Yang for the update. I have added my comment for the work item 58495.

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