import from Jira via Bugzilla [Solved]
we need to build tools to import a couple hundred Jira projects into RTC. (easy if its 1)..
we are trying to balance out the work/support/... for three different ways
1. export to csv from jira, import into RTC..
no attachments, links, comments
have to write code to handle those
like our rtc to rtc code now
2. all java
3. export to bugzilla, import from there.
handles attachments, links, comments, ....
using option 3 we have created bug files, then zipped them up (zip file contains, bug1.xml, bug2.xml, etc...)
then use the bugzilla importer with a custom mapping file. per
but we get error
bug BUG-1: Unexpected content, please check Bugzilla URL and authentication
there is no bugzilla server .. so?
| is there any doc on the format expected? maybe the script in point 3 has created the wrong bug format
on edit
never mind, scroll down in article 69 , gives format
Accepted answer
we have successfully imported a bug->defect
but need to get more workitem types
so, using type as an additional tag, and adding type to the mapping file 'should work', but doesn't
works, get defect
<creation_ts>2014-02-06 16:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[STORM-1000] Re-factor - WSDL (ML2) - Country</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2014-02-06 17:20:29</delta_ts>
<reporter name=''></reporter>
<assigned_to name=''></assigned_to>
doesn't work, get error
Could not create work item from bug STORM-1000
Could not create work item from bug BUG-0001: CRRTC0290E: The work item cannot be saved because the work item's type is not configured correctly at the project level.
<creation_ts>2014-02-06 16:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[STORM-1000] Re-factor - WSDL (ML2) - Country</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2014-02-06 17:20:29</delta_ts>
<reporter name=''></reporter>
<assigned_to name=''></assigned_to>
mapping file
<attribute sourceId="type" targetId="">
----> <value SourceId="Story" targetId="" />
notice the tag element name is mixed case.. importer not happy!
<value sourceId="Story" targetId="" /> works
Millard Ellingsworth
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 27 '14, 8:32 p.m.Hi, Sam. Do you still have a question? I can't quite tell from your edit if you cleared everything up yourself or just a piece of it.
sam detweiler
Mar 27 '14, 8:39 p.m.thanks for asking.. the specific question I asked I solved by looking further in the referenced doc, and we were able to convert one jira ticket to a form acceptable by the importer..
however.. the jira ticket was a Story, and we got a Defect in RTC.. wait BUG zilla..
is that all the importer will do? defects?
I haven't rechecked the doc to see if there is a tag that specifies 'type' in the 'bug' xml..
so, if you've got a pointer or some cool knowledge, I'm open to being pointed in the direction I need to go.!