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cq connector - Project Areas

Roger Scott (96146) | asked Mar 26 '09, 6:02 a.m.
In CQ under Public Queries I have created a folder called Jazz_ClearQuest_Connector with a child folder called XXXX_Service under which I have defined 2 queries.
In the file I have defined cq.queryTreeRoot=Public Queries/Jazz_ClearQuest_Connector
On the Jazz server I have a Project Area called XXXX_Service.

When I start the gateway I see that I am connected to the Jazz server and that the connection to the CQ database was successful. However I am getting a message
"No Jazz CQ Connection enabled project areas found"

I have followed the installation instructions but am seeemingly missing something. Help would be very much appreciated.

3 answers

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Mar 26 '09, 8:39 a.m.
Have you created synchronization rules in your project area? Without synchronization rules, there are no "directions" for the CQ Connector to synchronize anything. For a project area to be considered enabled for synchronization, it must contain synchronization rules, and there must be a folder with the same name as the project area in the CQ query tree under the folder you designate with the cq.queryTreeRoot property.

If you haven't created synchronization rules, then once you create them, you need to restart the CQ gateway for it to notice them.

Jazz ClearQuest Connector Team

In CQ under Public Queries I have created a folder called Jazz_ClearQuest_Connector with a child folder called XXXX_Service under which I have defined 2 queries.
In the file I have defined cq.queryTreeRoot=Public Queries/Jazz_ClearQuest_Connector
On the Jazz server I have a Project Area called XXXX_Service.

When I start the gateway I see that I am connected to the Jazz server and that the connection to the CQ database was successful. However I am getting a message
"No Jazz CQ Connection enabled project areas found"

I have followed the installation instructions but am seeemingly missing something. Help would be very much appreciated.

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Roger Scott (96146) | answered Mar 26 '09, 9:08 a.m.
When I try to create a synchronization rule for this project I get a message 'Save Synchronization Rule Info' failed. Permission denied.
Although I have "Synchronize with external Projects" set on for everybody.

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Susan Wu (4712116) | answered Mar 26 '09, 11:15 p.m.
When I try to create a synchronization rule for this project I get a message 'Save Synchronization Rule Info' failed. Permission denied.
Although I have "Synchronize with external Projects" set on for everybody.


Did you make sure the "Save Synchronization Rule Info" is a permitted action for everyone, under both of the project and team configuration session, in the process configuration tab of your project area?


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