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Using ECJ to generate compile logs in a Maven project

Diogo Mildenberger (538) | asked Mar 07 '14, 12:02 p.m.
 The title pretty much says it all:

This guide demonstrates how I can configure an Ant project to give detailed (ECJ/JUnit) information to RTC (using Jenkins);
And this guide shows how I can configure an Maven project, but using the standard Java compiler, so no compile XML information. (I used JBE for this one, following the guide)

I want to know if there is a way to generate ECJ compile logs in a Maven project, so they can be uploaded and analysed by RTC.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 10 '14, 4:10 a.m.
Have you looked into the JKE Banking example that ships with RTC? As far as I know that uses ECJ to generate JUNit and Compile logs and publishes them to the JBE. I don't see why you should not be able to use the same approach to generate the output you want.

Diogo Mildenberger commented Mar 11 '14, 1:49 p.m.

 The JKE Banking example surely is interesting, showing how to achieve the same results in .NET as well, but it doesn't have an example using the Maven build system. I am aware that I can use ant-tasks plugin in Maven to run ECJ, but using the standard Maven approach (maven-compiler-plugin with plexus-eclipse-compiler), I have not succeeded in generating ECJ compile logs so far. I just wonder if there is a way to fully integrate RTC functionality in Maven builds more cleanly.

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