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RTC 4.0.1 Hudson/Jenkins build - participant why is the participant not found?

Donald Poulin (2249119107) | asked Feb 12 '13, 10:10 a.m.
edited Feb 12 '13, 11:04 a.m. by Spencer Murata (2.3k115971)

I am setting up an RTC 4.0.1 <--> Jenkins following this article

I am progressing fairly well but have hit a stumbling block where I keep getting the error below. Any suggestions on how to fix?

2013-02-12 06:46:48 [Jazz build engine] running on host: SM-Jenkins

2013-02-12 06:46:48 [Jazz build engine] Should build occur?

2013-02-12 06:46:48 [Jazz build engine] Yes: Always build a user initiated request.

2013-02-12 06:46:48 [Jazz build engine] Invoking pre-build participant ""

2013-02-12 06:46:48 [Jazz build engine] Accepting changes into workspace "Genesys Jenkins Development Stream Build Workspace" ...

2013-02-12 06:46:49 [Jazz build engine] Fetching files to fetch destination "C:\Build_Base\Dev" ...

2013-02-12 06:46:56 [Jazz build engine] CRRTC3507W: Warning: An engine participant was not found for the build configuration element "Hudson/Jenkins Build". For more details, open the help system and search for CRRTC3507W.

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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Feb 12 '13, 11:17 a.m.
The problem is that the JBE is running against a build request that has the Hudson/Jenkins participant.  It shouldn't affect the build since JBE doesn't know what to do with it.  This is why the Ant script has:
<exec executable="${jbePath}/" output="jbe_output.txt">
<arg value="-repository"/>
<arg value="${repositoryAddress}"/>
<arg value="-userId"/>
<arg value="${userId}"/>
<arg value="-passwordFile"/>
<arg value="${passwordFile}"/>
<arg value="-buildResultUUID"/>
<arg value="${buildResultID}"/>
<arg value="-engineId"/>
<arg value="${buildEngineId}"/>
<arg value="-participants"/>
<arg value=""/>
The -participants arg should only consider the jazzscm participant during the build and ignore the other participants.

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