Upgrading RTC plugin in RAD from 1.0.1 to

Our RTC project area is on a server hosted on jazzop15 (Jazz Operatios team)and the server has just been migrated to Our team uses RAD as the IDE for our development environmen with the RTC/Jazz plugins installed as shipped in RAD. How can we upgrade those plugins to the level?
3 answers

Our RTC project area is on a server hosted on jazzop15 (Jazz Operatios team)and the server has just been migrated to Our team uses RAD as the IDE for our development environmen with the RTC/Jazz plugins installed as shipped in RAD. How can we upgrade those plugins to the level?
RAD 7.5.2 will come with RTC1.0.1.1. To upgrade just the RTC plug-in without upgrading RAD, you can install RTC on the top of RAD7.5.x, share the same eclipse IDE. To do so, extract RTC1.0.1.1 installation code, run launchpad.exe to bring up the installation menu, pick install Rational Team Concert for Eclipse IDE, pick "Use the existing package group", pick the package group where your RAD 7.5.x is hosting on, continue on the steps as prompted to complete the install.
Hope this helps,