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connector comments transformer issues

so, looking thru the cq gw source I see this formatter
that documents the text (toString) format of the cq note as
so, formatting my incoming text comment string that way and selecting the comment transformer, I get java.lang.RuntimeException: The value "usertext" for property "Comments" is invalid, because it cannot be interpreted as item identifiers (UUIDs)
I found this page on the setup of the user synch of comment entries http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.team.connector.cq.doc/topics/t_mapping_comments.html
and that config for contributor I have, and it works to my remote manager.
when I use that as the sync rule on the comment transformer config, I get
Incoming at 10/12/10 8:44:32 AM CDT
Error occurred:
java.lang.RuntimeException: The value "user==usertext!FIELD!text==this%20is%20a%20test%20update%20of%20a%20work%20item!NOTE_ENTRY!" for property "Comments" is invalid, because it cannot be interpreted as external references (URIs)
So, I am back to confused again..
can someone document the rules for the comment transformer, for NON-CQ incoming/outgoing comments.
or tell me that I have to write my own transformer..(in which case the generic transformer should be renamed to CQ specific name)
altho I have comment set as in/out, and I can manually add them to workitems created thru my itemconnector, I don't see the data on the outgoing synchronizations..
that documents the text (toString) format of the cq note as
so, formatting my incoming text comment string that way and selecting the comment transformer, I get java.lang.RuntimeException: The value "usertext" for property "Comments" is invalid, because it cannot be interpreted as item identifiers (UUIDs)
I found this page on the setup of the user synch of comment entries http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/rtc/v2r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.team.connector.cq.doc/topics/t_mapping_comments.html
and that config for contributor I have, and it works to my remote manager.
when I use that as the sync rule on the comment transformer config, I get
Incoming at 10/12/10 8:44:32 AM CDT
Error occurred:
java.lang.RuntimeException: The value "user==usertext!FIELD!text==this%20is%20a%20test%20update%20of%20a%20work%20item!NOTE_ENTRY!" for property "Comments" is invalid, because it cannot be interpreted as external references (URIs)
So, I am back to confused again..
can someone document the rules for the comment transformer, for NON-CQ incoming/outgoing comments.
or tell me that I have to write my own transformer..(in which case the generic transformer should be renamed to CQ specific name)
altho I have comment set as in/out, and I can manually add them to workitems created thru my itemconnector, I don't see the data on the outgoing synchronizations..
3 answers

so I set the Comments field to outbound synch only and am looking at the status for this item..
it shows
user==uuid!FIELD!text==comment text!NOTE_ENTRY!
the key here is the user is in UUID format.
I thought by specifying the user sync rule (which works for work item CreatedBy) that this would work for the comments.. else how else would u do it?
If I specify the workitem comment transformer and NOT my user sync rule, I get the error
user==usertext_string is not in UUID format... as expected
this means it was parsed off, and doesn't match a user..
if I specify the user sync rule, and no change in the comment content
I get
user==usertext_string!FIELD!text==comment text!NOTE_ENTRY!
for some reason the user string is NOT parsed properly
it shows
user==uuid!FIELD!text==comment text!NOTE_ENTRY!
the key here is the user is in UUID format.
I thought by specifying the user sync rule (which works for work item CreatedBy) that this would work for the comments.. else how else would u do it?
If I specify the workitem comment transformer and NOT my user sync rule, I get the error
user==usertext_string is not in UUID format... as expected
this means it was parsed off, and doesn't match a user..
if I specify the user sync rule, and no change in the comment content
I get
user==usertext_string!FIELD!text==comment text!NOTE_ENTRY!
for some reason the user string is NOT parsed properly