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Build Forge Jobs filter wildcard

Eduardo Bello (4401922) | asked Feb 26 '14, 7:44 a.m.
 I'm trying to filter the jobs using partial name. But it seems that wildcard doesn't works, I tried * and %.

 Is there anyway to filter jobs using wildcards?

 BuildForge version is

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Ryan Ruscett (1.0k413) | answered Feb 26 '14, 8:10 a.m.

We do not have support for the wildcard currently. There are few ways to search. Examples below.

1. Looking for job (RAFW_WVE_WASV7)
I can filter for this job by doing the fallowing.
R - will find it and all projects that start with R
RAFW_  you get the picture.

I can also use regular expressions
WVE - will find this project and any project with WVE in it. 
V7 - will find this project and any project with V7 in it.
_ will find any project with an underscore etc. 

These are the current ways to filter through jobs. 

I hope this helps, sorry I don't have a better answer for you.

Eduardo Bello selected this answer as the correct answer

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