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How can we find out the format for writing the configuration file to export test cases from excel to RQM?

Maria Amalan (784366) | asked Feb 24 '14, 12:02 a.m.
 I have added some additional categories in my test case template. I want to export these categories from excel to RQM. How do I find out the field names to update in the config file? Some samples for other sections are:
Like this how do I find out the category names?

3 answers

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Maria Amalan (784366) | answered Feb 24 '14, 12:53 a.m.
Also, how can I set the owner of the test case? Both the below statements are not working.


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Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Feb 24 '14, 3:58 a.m.
Hello Maria, regarding your questions..
In RQM Categories are defined with the category term=<category name>.value=<category value>
eg : testcase.category term="Function".value=H

wiki provides more data on the above.

Meanwhile, what do you mean by "testcase.jzalm:owner=C" does not work? Does it not update the value?
If yes, please share a snapshot of the excel sheet showing the col 'C' and the config file.

Best Regards, Sunil

Maria Amalan commented Feb 24 '14, 7:37 a.m.
Thanks for your response Sunil.
Got the first part and it works.

Yes, I mean that when I use this bit of code in the config file, it does not update the owner in the test case.
I have tried these 3 lines of code but none of them work.
testcase.jzalm:owner=FindColumn(“Test Case Owner”)

Test Case Snapshot


Sunil Kumar R commented Feb 24 '14, 7:52 a.m.

Can you zip the sheet and config file and send it to sunil-email so that I can try it out?

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Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Mar 13 '14, 11:17 a.m.
Maria, I tried using the sheet and config you provided - it works as expected on CLM 4.x.
Anything I missed w.r.t the scenario reported? (I ignored the categories, but in anycase they do not seem relevant to the issue you see). Let me know.

Best Regards

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