Edit External User Registry

5 answers

The user registry is used for user authentication. Put it simply, it holds the user name and password.
The user groups are actually in the user registry as well but sometimes they are configured and treated in a separate way. This will determine whether a user belongs to JazzAdmins group or the like.
The license is required for creating and modifying entities in most areas in the applications.
What exact error did you get when you try to create a lifecycle project?

Error instantiating the template. Validation of user roles failed You must have JazzAdmins or JazzProjectAdmins privledges.
I am unable to edit my role; the selections are read-only.

When I look at my user profile, my permissions are set at JazzUsers and the screen is read-only.
The message at the top of the screen says 'Because this server is connected to an external user registry, some user details including User ID, E-Mail Address, and Repository Permissions are read-only. to modify these read-only details, you must make changes in the external user registry.

Also, I created the project in a sandbox, if that makes a difference.

You have to change your role in the "external user registry" - whatever it may be. If it's an LDAP server, you need to use an LDAP client with admin privilege. If it's Active Directory, you need to ask your network/system admin to do so. Basically, your user account in the external user registry has to be in a group called JazzAdmins.
You cannot do this from within Jazz, as you have already found out.

It would be Active Directory for us, however getting that done on the base here involves paperwork and management approvals, so this option won't work.
Any other options?

RQM will eventually be installed with RFT in an enclosed four workstation environment, at which time I will be evaluating the possibilites of our setup. The environment is not complete at this time, hence my effort to work in the sandbox was to prepare for the upcoming setup.
Is there a way to create the project initally with the Money That Matters Sample to view a fully populated project? Can the existing project be deleted and replaced by that project?
Thanks, Dennis