RTC + LDAP - How to change mail?
4 answers
Creates new user records in the Jazz repository. New user records are created in the Jazz repository for all users present in the LDAP user directory who are members of the mapped LDAP groups and do not already exist in the Jazz repository.
By the way... I don't want to create new users automatically.
I just do the email update. How do I do this? Using database / query update (manually)?
You need to open the user in the RTC user editor If the email address is different, the change button next to email address will be enabled. Click on this button to change to an email address present in LDAP. Save the user record.
--- Balaji
By the way... I don't want to create new users automatically.
I just do the email update. How do I do this? Using database / query update (manually)?
--- Balaji
Creates new user records in the Jazz repository. New user records are created in the Jazz repository for all users present in the LDAP user directory who are members of the mapped LDAP groups and do not already exist in the Jazz repository.
By the way... I don't want to create new users automatically.
I just do the email update. How do I do this? Using database / query update (manually)?
Connection closed issue is fixed in
--- Balaji
--- Balaji
Now I found "LDAP sync task"
Server / Advanced Properties / LDAPNightlySyncTask
But /jazz/events?provider=ldapnightlysync shows:
"Error retrieving the members of Jazz groups"
"connection closed"
Is there some other detailed log?