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doing accepts from the commandline

Daniel martin (10122926) | asked Mar 19 '09, 5:08 a.m.
I am trying to get my BF adaptor to accept changes into my build workspace. Why is the accept step asking me for the password of the account I am using to do the accept, when the adaptor logs into RTC before the accept?

C:\Documents and Settings\RTCBFBUILD>scm login -r "" -u RTCBFBuild -P xxxxx
Logged in to

C:\Documents and Settings\RTCBFBUILD>scm accept -v -d "c:\workspace3" -i
Password (RTCBFBuild @ https://rtcsrv:9103/jazz/):

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Mar 19 '09, 5:49 p.m.
I am trying to get my BF adaptor to accept changes into my build workspace. Why is the accept step asking me for the password of the account I am using to do the accept, when the adaptor logs into RTC before the accept?

C:\Documents and Settings\RTCBFBUILD>scm login -r "https://jtsrv:9103/jazz" -u RTCBFBuild -P xxxxx
Logged in to https://jtsrv:9103/jazz

C:\Documents and Settings\RTCBFBUILD>scm accept -v -d "c:\workspace3" -i
Password (RTCBFBuild @ https://rtcsrv:9103/jazz/):

Hi Daniel

Just seen this post:
and it mentions a 1.0.1 bug that has the password requested a few times when other scm cmds are issued. Fixed in apparently.

Now you have posted the different commands on this page - it is more obvious that you are referring to two different servers (jtsrv and rtcsrv) :-)



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