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where can I find the patterns used for auto hyperlinks in workitem description and comments? [Resolved]

in our project move utility we are fixing up links and mentions. but we are finding extra areas where the patterns are not clear..
I see the pattern matcher handler in workitem client, but not the patterns themselves.
does anyone have a pointer to the patterns that are supported? (some of these produce junk tho)
'attachment 123456' in a comment or description will create a hyperlink, and mentions.. even tho there is no attachment 123456 in the system.
Accepted answer

In the case above, any time 'attachment' is used with a number after it, it will create a hyperlink because RTC thinks you are pointing to an internal attachment.
The same goes for:
-work item type such as: task, defect, story etc
- "work item"
I remember seeing an article or a technote on this, but I wasn't able to find it to link here...
The same goes for:
-work item type such as: task, defect, story etc
- "work item"
I remember seeing an article or a technote on this, but I wasn't able to find it to link here...