Why RRC and RQM aren't in jazz.net?
6 answers
Quick question:
RRC and RQM use the Jazz platform.
Why these tools aren't in jazz.net?
We can't open workitems and collaborate with these projects?
I completely agree it would be great to have the same access to RRC/RQM as we do for RTC. I recall this is a work item for this but didn't find this after a quick look. There are a few entries for RQM already.
We're currently working to bring more projects to Jazz.net, with RRC and RQM as two of the top candidates. We hope to see significant progress over the next few months in this area.
Stay tuned!!!
Sweet !! can't wait see this!!
As I'm sure you've probably already seen, RQM has now started to migrate to jazz.net. Check out the new blog post.