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Having Test Artifact Owner Automatically Set to Current User or Originator

Corey Jacobs (642539) | asked Jan 29 '14, 2:07 p.m.
Our team is currently using RQM 4.0.1.  Currently when creating a test case for example, the owner doesn't automatically set to the originator or current user.  Is there a way to configure so that the owner for artifacts created can be set to the creator or current user?  Also can this functionality be extended to category values as well.  We have a category field that has the users names listed.  It would be nice to have this field to pull in the current user or originator as well.  

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Vidya Malkarnekar (1.0k15) | answered Jan 29 '14, 4:16 p.m.
 Hi Corey,

You can set the owner to originator by doing the following in RQM versions 4.0.5 or later:
Go to Project Area Administration > Preconditions and Follow Ups  and select a Save Operation, e.g. Save Test Plan, and add the follow-up "Auto-assign ownership to creator."

Corey Jacobs selected this answer as the correct answer

Corey Jacobs commented Jan 29 '14, 4:28 p.m.

Thanks Vidya for the help.   

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