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How to move work items between project area that contain a custom enumeration?

Thorsten Gau (8621212) | asked Jan 22 '14, 12:19 p.m.
edited Jan 22 '14, 2:13 p.m.
We want to move work items (non-bulk) between to project areas.
Normal attributes and standard enumerations (e.g. priority) for fine. Custom enumerations don't.
What may we doing wrong?


RTC version: 4.0.3
We have a ProjectArea for multiple months, created a process template out of it and created a new ProjectArea using this template.
The enumerations with "Storage = Process Specification" got copied (as expected)
The enumerations with "Storage = Database" didn't get copied (as expected), so we created them manually in the new ProjectArea making sure the technical ID is the same.
Creating a work item in the new ProjectArea works as expected, the enumeration values are complete.


When triggering a move, the Eclipse client warns:
Problem wehen searching for corresponsing values in the target project area, these values will be omitted in the operation:
<Enumeration> not found: <Value>

I appreciate this warning in general. problem is: the enumaration value obviously exists. Any hints?

sam detweiler commented Jan 22 '14, 1:18 p.m.

 I think this is another limitation of Database stored enumerations. 

you cannot move a process stored workitem into a database stored project.
(that how they are defined in the process template).. because u used the same ID, the checker cannot tell you manually overrode that.

Thorsten Gau commented Jan 22 '14, 1:42 p.m.

One Work Item type contains both process-spec and database based enumerations.
This has been mirrored in project area B.

Project Area A:
WorkItemType "Feature"
Enumeration Priority (Process Specification)
Enumeration Customer (Database)

Project Area B:
WorkItemType "Feature"
Enumeration Priority (Process Specification)
Enumeration Customer (Database)

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jan 22 '14, 1:51 p.m.
 you said 

>The enumarations with "Storage = Database" didn't get copied (as expected), so we created the manually in the new ProjectArea making sure the technical ID is the same. 

that will confuse things. you THINK they are defined in the process area, but the project thinks they are defined in the database. 

Thorsten Gau commented Jan 22 '14, 2:15 p.m.

Here is what we did:

Workitem Type "Feature"
<customAttribute id="" name="Customer" type="Cust_enum"/>

Create New Enumeration:
Name: Customer
ID: Cust_enum

Adding Enumeration Literals:

I suspect the enumeration literals got different IDs between the two PAs.
In the XML it's easy to check. Can that be done in the database, too?

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