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move project from standalone to under shared process , help

sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | asked Jan 22 '14, 9:56 a.m.
 as part of my project copy utility,  I need to reposition the new project under the shared process area. 

the shared process area has a different defect workflow than the standalone project. (both customized)

I 'thought' I could erase the process spec from the project, AND change the setting to use the parent at the same time. 

the workitems are all there, using the old layout of course. 
I have an extract of the states before the process change, and I have edited the extract so that I can import with the new values..   but I need to synch attributes to get it right.. I think..

but now the process config all shows 'unconfigured', not inheriting from the parent..

any help?

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered Jan 24 '14, 9:43 a.m.
 Hello Sam,
not sure I fully understand - sorry for that - but given what I was able to catch here,
I would CSV export my "old" work items,
and re-import them once PA switched to new parent,
and use a custom mapping file to map old workflow / states to the new ones.

sam detweiler selected this answer as the correct answer

sam detweiler commented Jan 24 '14, 9:51 a.m.

thanks.. was trying to avoid the export/import..   

Eric Jodet commented Jan 24 '14, 9:57 a.m.


Another option would to:
1 - create a new PA with the parent you want
2 - bulk move "old" work items to the new PA
However - I would consider this risky if there are significant differences,
in terms of attributes, between old and new PA

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