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BIRT Report Designer, can't find Work Item comments?

Michael Dundek (41161) | asked Mar 11 '09, 5:45 a.m.

The title says it all, I can't find the comments associated to a Work Item that I specified in RTC through the "Discussion" field, I am looking for that information from the Report Designer of course?
Displaying the Work Item comments in reports doesn't sound inapropriate, there must be a way to access this information some how.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

By the way, I use RTC 1.0.1


7 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Mar 11 '09, 10:06 a.m.
Are you talking about live data or data from the data warehouse?

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Michael Dundek (41161) | answered Mar 11 '09, 11:43 a.m.
Life data.

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Mar 11 '09, 10:30 p.m.
Please raise a work item and we will consider this for 2.0.

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Michael Dundek (41161) | answered Mar 12 '09, 3:35 a.m.
Please raise a work item and we will consider this for 2.0.

So you mean this is not possible at the moment? What about the description of work items, can I access those in reports?

And if I wanted to access this information in the Data Warehouse, would this info be available there?

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Mar 14 '09, 11:24 p.m.
No it is not possible in 1.0. Will be possible in 2.0. The data you are asking for is not available in the data warehouse.

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David DOughty (7193) | answered Jul 22 '10, 10:44 a.m.
Rather than raise an additional workitem.

has the Discussion/COmment information been exposed to be able to report against?

We're looking at a production support model, and one of the requirements is to be able to report on the discussion/comment information

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Rob Logie (33825041) | answered Aug 05 '10, 1:35 a.m.
A workaround for getting custom column in a query is to use the export function the RTC thick client.

Go into the Work Item Perspective and select export from the file menu.

When the export window opens, browse into "Team" and select "Work Items".

The "Export Work Item" window will open. Select "Browse" next to the Query box to browse for and select the Work Item query that you wish to use. Select the format and destination as required.

Now the "Export Work Items" window will be displayed. Press the "Add columns" button.

The "Add Columns" window will open which enables you to select any of the columns in the work item, including the ones not available in the normal work item query.

If you also select "Show Custom" you can also select any of you custom columns to be displayed. Note that the "Comments" column is the content of the discussion field in the work item. Select the columns you want to a add into your report and hit ok. Do a "Ctrl-Click" to select multiple columns.

You will return to the "Export Work Items" windows. You can now remove or reorder columns. When you are ready to go hit finish and you report file will be created, including columns not normally available in queries.

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