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Report with a XML Data Source

O. Frank Allen (16113) | asked Mar 10 '09, 1:30 p.m.
I'm am designing a report that is going to be using a XML file as its data source. The XML file will be dynamically generated.

My question is once the report is deployed how does the report retrieve the xml file if the report is deployed on multiple servers? Each server will have its own deploy instance of this report and each server will be generating the XML dynamically.

Also, what about the scenario where the report can be executed from both the RTC Client and the Web U/I.

Thanks in Advance... O. Frank

2 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Mar 10 '09, 8:16 p.m.
When you say the xml file is dynamically generated, what triggers it to be generated? And where is it generated on the server?

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O. Frank Allen (16113) | answered Mar 17 '09, 2:16 p.m.
When you say the xml file is dynamically generated, what triggers it to be generated? And where is it generated on the server?

We are going to have a work Item menu selection the will allow the user to generate a xml file. If executed from the client the file will be placed on the users local file system. But, how would we access this file from the Web U/I if the report is deployed on multiple servers?

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