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Custom Type with children work items

I created a new work item type (PI) of sub type Story. I then create a work item of my new type (PI) in our Release Backlog. I notice that when I create children work items and assign the children to different Sprint Backlogs, I no longer see them in the Release Backlog.
This is not the same behavior as with work items of type story where children in different sprint backlogs still show up in the release backlog as grayed out.
Is this expected behavior for new types? Is there anyway to get the children to show up for my new type?
This is not the same behavior as with work items of type story where children in different sprint backlogs still show up in the release backlog as grayed out.
Is this expected behavior for new types? Is there anyway to get the children to show up for my new type?
2 answers

Is this expected behavior for new types? Is there anyway to get the
children to show up for my new type?
This behavior is affected by the "Top Level Work Item Types"
configuration. In the process configuration editor, go to "Project
Configuration" -> "Configuration Data" -> "Planning" -> "Top-Level Work
Item Types" and select your newly created type. The new work item type
will behave the same afterwards.
Jazz Agile Planning team