Should 'In Progress' be an option for TER list filter?
When filtering a TER list in RQM 4.0.4, we are no longer able to select 'In Progress' for the Last Result column.
The option seems to have gone away after our upgrade from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4. Should it be there, and if so, is this a defect, or is there an option to display it?
Here's what it looked like in 4.0.2
and here are the options in 4.0.4
The option seems to have gone away after our upgrade from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4. Should it be there, and if so, is this a defect, or is there an option to display it?
Here's what it looked like in 4.0.2
and here are the options in 4.0.4