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how configure project area visibility

Steffen Kriese (381921) | asked Jan 14 '14, 3:04 a.m.
I have two RTC 4.0.5 installations. The first one running on Linux was originally installed as RTC than upgraded to 4.0.3, 4.0.4 and finally to 4.0.5. The second RTC 4.0.5 runs on Windows  and was installed from scratch. 
On the upgraded installation a user can connect to all existing project areas independent whether he/she is member of this project area or not. He/she also has read access to all components. 
On the fresh installation a user can connect only to project area where he/she is a member. The read access to components is limited to project or team ares where he/she is a member.
The upgraded RTC should behave like the fresh installation. Where can I configure the project area visibility?     

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 14 '14, 3:17 a.m.
Unless specifically changed, in the project area process configuration, I would expect the behavior of the upgraded server. This is, as far as I know, the default behavior. If you want to limit visibility to the project area to its members you have to change the Access Control settings in the project administration.

Steffen Kriese commented Jan 14 '14, 3:26 a.m. | edited Jan 14 '14, 3:40 a.m.

The visibility for all my project areas is set to "Members of the project area hierarchy"
There is no difference between the installations.  

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 14 '14, 3:45 a.m.

If you limit read access to "Members of the project area hierarchy", only members of the project area should be able to access the project.

In your case both instances should behave as the new install. You might want to open a support ticket to get help from support to prevent users that are not members of the project to access your projects on the upgraded instance, although I am not sure why that would not behave as described, because that was already in 4.0, or even earlier.

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