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I am trying to create test plan on flat project (using on template ) and there isn't any create on test plan menu list

yossi horesh (18815) | asked Jan 08 '14, 4:54 a.m.
 I am trying to create test plan on flat project (without  template ) and there isn't any option to create test plan  at test plan menu list

I am using an  user admin  that is also part of the test members  an he have permission of create Test plan



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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jan 08 '14, 5:31 a.m.
What version of RQM are you using? What options do you see under test plan menu? Do you see other test artifacts having the same problem(such as test case)? In the recent version of RQM, the user can  hide artifact menus if they have right permissions.

yossi horesh commented Jan 09 '14, 2:49 a.m.

  Hi Don.

The  version is 4.0.4.
Only browse appears.
All artifacts the same.
I didn't hide (How can I do this?).



Don Yang commented Jan 09 '14, 6:16 p.m. | edited Jan 09 '14, 6:22 p.m.

Hi, Yossi

You can hide the menus in the project admin page in which you can find the menu organization option(along with permission and other menus). From the symptom, as all artifacts have the same issue and only see Browse menus, I suspect that the user is not a member of the specific project area if the menus are not intended to be hidden. Please double check and make sure the user is the member of the target project area and has the right license.


yossi horesh commented Jan 10 '14, 9:50 a.m.

I Did  the user is the member of the target project area (Admin + user) and has the licenses permission 
1 Rational Quality Manager - Connector
 2 Rational Requirements Composer - Analyst 

I have tried this license both (towgether )and one at the time....  I still no have create ...
Is there any other thinks that i can do?


Don Yang commented Jan 14 '14, 9:41 p.m.

The type of license seem to be the problem. Connector does not have web access rights and RRC-Analyst only has R(read) permission for RQM related artifacts.
See the below license overview.

Are you able to try with any RQM license(such as practitioner, or Quality Professional) for the user and see if it works for you?

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