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Incoming file not showing merge when the same file is changed in sandbox

2 answers

Note that these conflicts are displayed in the Package Explorer view.
Also note that whenever you execute an Accept when you have Unresolved changes in your sandbox, the GUI will pop-up a warning advising you to checkin your changes before performing the accept, or your Unresolved changes may be overwritten by the Accept. I personally believe it should refuse to do the Accept if it will in fact overwrite Unresolved changes ... I've submitted another work item requesting that behavior: When accepting changes when there are unresolved changes, the GUI should check whether you actually will overwrite any changes (295971)

Thanks. I agree for second work item 295971. For first work item 295970, How can we see that in package explorer. I beleive package explorer shows only the files.

The icons for a file in the package explorer indicate whether there are incoming changes, outgoing changes, or both (i.e., a conflict) for that file.

When is this bug planned to be delivered?

In general, to find out when/whether a given work item is being planned for delivery, just click on the link to that work item, and look at the "Planned For" field in that work item. If it is just Backlog, then it is not in plan for the next release. If you'd like to advocate for it to be added to a release, some of the things you can do include adding a comment to that work item, indicating your support, and participating in the quarterly "VoiCE" on-line forums to try to bump its priority.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 31 '13, 12:08 p.m.Just for interest's sake, why don't you want to check-in your partially completed work? RTC is designed to make it easy/fast to do so, to make sure that your repository contains a back-up of your partial work in case something goes wrong on your local disk, or if you need to access that partial work from another machine.
Ram Chundu
Dec 31 '13, 2:48 p.m.These files are like settings files which are supposed to stay in my sandbox.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 31 '13, 9:47 p.m.Normally, a file that is supposed to stay in your sandbox should be added to the "ignored" list, so it doesn't appear in the "Unresolved" list. But in that case, you get no warning if that file is going to be overwritten by an incoming change (work item Accepting change to ignored file could prompt before overwriting or present as a conflict (57560) requests that a warning be generated). Since these files should be local to a sandbox, why are there incoming changes that would overwrite them?